In the basis of PetroVision Databank there is a relational database. This approach, based on well-known E&P models of Posc Epicentre and  PPDM, proved itself at the domestic and foreign markets. These models contain a detailed description of a vast majority of geological-geophysical and production information operation processes.

Special cases of cooperation with the clients not once dictated us a necessity to make modifications to the data storage model. Practically, this enables to become aware of benefits and drawbacks. During installation and initial setting of the Databank the above models prove themselves the best way, enabling to obtain an access to the complete range of E&P material storage. On the contrary, with further support, making modifications, adding new features, the conventional models slow down the databank development due to their redundancy and over-loading. As a result, a decision was made to implement support of arbitrary relational models.

Now, there is no need to limit oneself with only conventional models for storing the E&P material. With a universal CLUEToolLoader the PetroVision Databank may be arranged on an arbitrary relational model, in the basis of which there is Oracle or PostgreSQL database operation system.

Since implementation of support of the arbitrary relational models the companies obtain a number of considerable advantages:

  • Reduction of time, cost, and labor expenses for follow-up modifications of the existing data models for certain business requirements;
  • Simplification of Petrovision Databank integration with third-party systems and subsystems;
  • Implementation of a migration procedure from the existing solution to PetroVision Databank becomes much easier.


The current functionality of the CLUETool Loader is extensive. It includes data validation and automatic preparation of the material, creation and support of specialized field processing agents, including those for interaction with the survey geometry, additional scripts of package processing, etc.

This functionality, together with support of the arbitrary relational models, makes it possible to interact with any database, as well as to take into account all the limitations, imposed by the company and its business logics on quality of the material, which makes the CLUETool Loader a really powerful and universal tool.